March 08, 2016

Spring Snack Mix

Spring Snack Mix takes 5 minutes to make and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand for a fun treat.

Spring Snack Mix takes 5 minutes to make and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand for a fun treat!
My favorite time of year is almost here: Spring! Along with my love of Spring is my love of Easter. Easter has been my favorite holiday for many years due to all of the traditions that my family has for it. Each year, we go up north to my parent's farm and celebrate the holiday together over a long weekend.

We color eggs, make a lamb out of butter, I make a huge fruit salad, my sister and Busia make a potato salad, etc. What I love about Easter is all of the traditions around it. We go to get our food blessed at church and enjoy time together. I love all of the food that we eat each year for Easter and how many years we have carried our traditions on for.

Spring Snack Mix takes 5 minutes to make and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand for a fun treat!
I came up with this Spring snack mix for Easter for a fun snack up at the farm. In the evenings, we watch movies and play games and love having a bunch of snacks together. My family and I are the biggest snackers! This mix is perfect because it takes no time to make and tastes great.

Spring Snack Mix takes 5 minutes to make and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand for a fun treat!
This mix takes 5 minutes or less to make and can be made with whichever ingredients you have on hand. Some other ideas include different kinds of cereal, pretzels, almonds, etc. You are probably used to my super healthy recipes on The Nutritionist Reviews but trust me, I love snacks too. Everything in moderation is the name of my game. This mix would make a great addition to an Easter basket too!

Spring Snack Mix takes 5 minutes to make and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand for a fun treat!

Spring Snack Mix

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 6

  • 1 cup jellybeans
  • 1 cup peanuts
  • 3 cups low-sodium popcorn
  • 1 cup graham bunnies (or other crackers)
Combine all ingredients together and mix. Store in a plastic bag for up to a week.
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The mix turned out awesome and I would make it again with whatever I had on hand for a fun Easter treat or really for anytime of year. We took some of it on a trip and it was so fun to have it to snack on.
Spring Snack Mix takes 5 minutes to make and can be made with whatever ingredients you have on hand for a fun treat!
Check out The Nutritionist Reviews appetizers Pinterest board for more healthy and fun recipe ideas!

Check out some of these other fun snack ideas:
Roasted chickpeas
Texas caviar
Homemade peach salsa

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  1. What an easy, colorful, and delicious looking fun recipe! Perfect for Easter! {client}


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