April 11, 2012

Country Crock and Clare Crespo Hashbrains Recipe

Have you tried Country Crock spread before? It is definitely my favorite butter/margarine to use.  My favorite is the Country Crock Calcium plus vitamin D. I love getting these nutrients in my spread.  I like to use this on toast, green beans, pancakes, etc. Also, something else that I love about Country Crock is that it is registered dietitian approved and recommended in the 2010 dietary guidelines. As part of my profession, I try to find products that not only taste good but that are also good for you. Country Crock is one of these products that can be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet that tastes great and adds flavor to foods.

I had the great opportunity to view the Clare Crespo Cookbook that provides fun and easy vegetable recipes for kids.  The recipes are step-by-step and they would be great to make with your kids. I do not have any kids of my own but my husband has young cousins that these would be perfect for.  Many kids do not like vegetables plain and need a bit of butter to spruce them up.  That is where Country Crock comes in.  It is perfect to smear a tiny bit on some corn, carrots, green beans, or whatever vegetable you choose to use it on.

As summer approaches, fresh produce is becoming more and more available.  I can't wait for some garden fresh zucchini, tomatoes, and carrots like the ones seen below from my garden last summer.  It is very important for people to eat vegetables.  The recommended number of servings is 3-5 per day and many people do not reach even close to this number. Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals which are essential for our bodies. It is very important to start children young on loving vegetables.  I recently read that you cannot tell if someone does not like something until trying it 9 times. Sometimes it takes awhile for their tastebuds to like something but they will eventually come around with it.
Although the best way to eat a vegetable is without added fat or sauces, adding a bit of margarine never hurt anyone! Also, there is nothing like some fresh cooked vegetables with butter. My favorite are parsnips, corn, and broccoli. 

I was asked to make a recipe from the Clare Crespo cookbook to try out. The recipe that I chose to make is called "Hashbrains".  It uses potatoes, eggs, and Country Crock butter to make a kid friendly breakfast treat.  They are simple to make and very tasty! The Country Crock spread that I used helped to brown up the hashbrowns so they were crispy on the top and bottom. Each serving has 220 calories, 9 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein. I loved these. They also store well and can be eaten later on heated up. To make these, check out the Clare Crespo Cookbook.
 The ingredients all mixed together.

 All ready to be baked! 

All done and ready to eat! Time to add a squirt of ketchup.

I very much enjoyed making this recipe using Country Crock butter. The cookbook has all sorts of recipes using different vegetables such as zucchini, corn, beets, mushrooms, spinach, bell peppers, and much more. They contain Country Crock butter which adds a delicious flavor to recipes. For more about Country Crock, check out their Facebook and Twitter pages.

Are you looking for quick and simple tips and recipes to make serving veggies more fun? Download the free Clare Crespo Cookbook here for fun and whimsical recipes your family is sure to love!

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  1. Those look absolutely gorgeous! And I love how you added veggies to them and no one would be the wiser if they didn't know :)


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