February 27, 2013

Carrington Farms Review

Flax and chia seeds seem to be some of the biggest buzzwords the past few years. However, they are not just a trend but are actually very nutritious and can help us to meet some of our nutrient needs.

Carrington Farms sent me some of their flax chia blend along with their portable flax paks. 

The flax and chia blend packs a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and protein. They are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber which helps with digestion and bowel regularity. 

Since I really do not like fish which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, I like to use flax and chia seeds to get my omega-3 fatty acids in. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial in reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke and reduce symptoms of joint pain and hypertension.

My favorite uses for chia and flax seeds are the following.

-Mixed into oatmeal each morning.

-Thrown into baked goods. Did you know that ground flax can be used in place of eggs?

-Mixed into yogurt

These Carrington Farms products help to get your daily nutrient needs in. I like how the flax paks are small which I can take to work for easy transportation.

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