December 30, 2015
Top 15 Memories in 2015
2015 was an awesome year! I loved it so much that I wanted to think back to some of my favorite memories and share them with you. Can't wait for 2016!
1. Adalyn learning how to walk- One of the most awesome things was Adalyn learning how to walk at 9 1/2 months old.

2. 4 Weddings- We got to go to 4 awesome weddings from July-September for cousins of Troy and I. We love celebrating these wonderful occasions with family.

3. Growing The Nutritionist Reviews- 2015 was by far the best year ever for the blog and I have all of you to thank for that. I saw so much growth, have worked on improving my blog photography, learned so, so much about blogging and more. I am so excited for this coming year to see what it brings for the blog.
4. Celebrating 6 years of marriage- This July, Troy and I celebrated 6 years of marriage and I love him more than ever. We are always working on strengthening our relationship and he is the best husband.
5. Lots of blog travel- In September and October, I went on 4 different blog trips! I learned so much and enjoyed getting to know other bloggers and have made new awesome friends.
6. Swimming with Adalyn- We took Adalyn everywhere this summer to swim and it was so much fun. We went to different splash pads, our local pool, my parents farm, several different lakes and more. Adalyn is like a little fish and loves the water so it was great for us to start going to the pool more often.
7. Living it up every weekend- Starting in about June, we have been packing our weekends full of lots of activities which I love so much. Spending time with family is my #1 favorite thing so getting to see them often has been awesome.
8. Strengthening my relationships- This year has been a great year for strengthening relationships with family. I got really close to Troy's stepmom this year which has been great. We got close with Troy's cousin Jennifer who just had a baby and his cousin Siobhan who also has a baby. Family = everything.
9. Adalyn's first birthday- The year started with us having a 3 month old baby and that little girl grew so fast and turned 1 before we knew it. We had a beautiful party with family and Adalyn devoured her cake.

10. Exploring life as a family of 3- This year has been so fun in terms of doing all kinds of things as family of 3. It doesn't really matter what we do as long as it is together (sap..). We love going to the zoo, Belle Isle, a trip to Saugatuck, Birch Run/Frankenmuth, visiting my brother in Big Rapids and lots more. Also, we got to celebrate our first Mother's and Father's day which both were awesome.
11. Wednesdays as Mom only- Since I had Adalyn, I have Wednesdays off work. I love spending time mid-week with my little girl and it means everything to me to have this day with her.
12. Daily family walks- This is so simple but one of my favorite things in the world to do is go on a walk. I can't not mention my personal trainer who is exactly 11 pounds named Jaxen Hercules who inspires me on a daily basis to be active (yes, I am a little crazy).

13. Time at the farm- You all know that I love going to my parents farm and we have had many awesome weekends there with family. Adalyn loves it there (maybe not the sleeping part) and we always have fun.
14. Getting a bigger taste of parenting- We have learned so much this year about raising a little one and of course, have so much to learn. Of this whole list, my favorite thing is seeing all of Adalyn's newest developments. Some favorites include her saying "good girl" to me all the time, giving kisses, laughter, learning body parts, kicking the air, clapping, dancing, being obsessed with clocks, petting the dogs and a million things more. Can you tell I love being a mom?
15. Having my wildest Pinterest dreams come to life- Through the blog, I have been able to make recipes that I have dreamed about for years. Thanks to wonderful sponsors, I can afford to create these recipes and spend time doing so. I have a 2 page Google document of recipes that I want to make next year and share with all of you. So, stay tuned for some awesome, unique, healthy recipes coming your way next year. Creating recipes is one of my biggest passions and being able to do so is like a dream come true.
Thanks for reading The Nutritionist Reviews! I appreciate all of my readers so much and could not do this blog without you.
1. Adalyn learning how to walk- One of the most awesome things was Adalyn learning how to walk at 9 1/2 months old.
2. 4 Weddings- We got to go to 4 awesome weddings from July-September for cousins of Troy and I. We love celebrating these wonderful occasions with family.
3. Growing The Nutritionist Reviews- 2015 was by far the best year ever for the blog and I have all of you to thank for that. I saw so much growth, have worked on improving my blog photography, learned so, so much about blogging and more. I am so excited for this coming year to see what it brings for the blog.
4. Celebrating 6 years of marriage- This July, Troy and I celebrated 6 years of marriage and I love him more than ever. We are always working on strengthening our relationship and he is the best husband.

7. Living it up every weekend- Starting in about June, we have been packing our weekends full of lots of activities which I love so much. Spending time with family is my #1 favorite thing so getting to see them often has been awesome.
Adalyn with both of her great grandmas
9. Adalyn's first birthday- The year started with us having a 3 month old baby and that little girl grew so fast and turned 1 before we knew it. We had a beautiful party with family and Adalyn devoured her cake.
10. Exploring life as a family of 3- This year has been so fun in terms of doing all kinds of things as family of 3. It doesn't really matter what we do as long as it is together (sap..). We love going to the zoo, Belle Isle, a trip to Saugatuck, Birch Run/Frankenmuth, visiting my brother in Big Rapids and lots more. Also, we got to celebrate our first Mother's and Father's day which both were awesome.
11. Wednesdays as Mom only- Since I had Adalyn, I have Wednesdays off work. I love spending time mid-week with my little girl and it means everything to me to have this day with her.
12. Daily family walks- This is so simple but one of my favorite things in the world to do is go on a walk. I can't not mention my personal trainer who is exactly 11 pounds named Jaxen Hercules who inspires me on a daily basis to be active (yes, I am a little crazy).
13. Time at the farm- You all know that I love going to my parents farm and we have had many awesome weekends there with family. Adalyn loves it there (maybe not the sleeping part) and we always have fun.
Thanks for reading The Nutritionist Reviews! I appreciate all of my readers so much and could not do this blog without you.
I'm signing out until Monday, see you in the New Year!
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