January 02, 2018
2017 Year in Review
Wow! What a year. Writing out everything that happened this year is nearly unbelievable to think about. There have been a ton of ups and some downs. I have shared a bit of this information before and some of it, I am sharing for the first time. I love looking back on these and sharing all that happened in a year.
January 2017
-My sister bought my Busia's (grandma) house after she passed away and moved in on New Year's Day.

-Did some ice skating at the farm on the pond!
-Did some ice skating at the farm on the pond!
February 2017
-My brother and sister-in-law bought their first home in Farmington Hills, MI and we helped them look at houses.
-When my Dad was helping them move, he slipped on ice and fell with a dresser falling right on top of him. He wanted to be strong and didn't go to the doctor for awhile just thinking that he was sore. Well the idiot (I say that in such a loving way because I never want anything to happen to him) had 4 broken ribs and internal bleeding by his lungs.
He ended up in the hospital for a week which if you know my dad, he is strong and healthy and this was the worst. He had slow care the first few days because it was the weekend (grrr) and then had a surgery to correct the bleeding. It is completely better now and used it as an opportunity to make himself really healthy and has worked out every day since this date and is now lifting weights every day and running up to 8 miles. This was the hardest part of the year and I am so glad it is over. This was 6 weeks before I had Oliver and he stayed right down the hall from where I gave birth. Crazy!
-Troy way surprised me and "took my ring in for a cleaning" and bought me a new diamond! It is so gorgeous and something I never expected to get (and would not have splurged on myself) but I love it and look at it every day.
-Went to Frankenmuth with the family for Mom's birthday.
-Went to Frankenmuth with the family for Mom's birthday.

March 2017
-Took a Babymoon at MotorCity Casino Hotel at 36 weeks pregnant.
-We became a minivan family ; )
April 2017
-Easily the best part of the year: Oliver Richard Hernandez was born on April 2, 2017! Birth story here. It was a shockingly quick birth that only took 3 1/2 hours from the first contraction to holding Oliver in my arms.

-Adalyn officially became the best big sister in the world and is so amazing with Oliver.
-Adalyn officially became the best big sister in the world and is so amazing with Oliver.
-Troy and I celebrated 10 years of being together! Can't wait for another 50 more.
May 2017
-My brother graduated optometry school and became Dr. Edwin Gay- you can find him at Acuity Optics in Commerce Township, MI. We rented the most beautiful house for his graduation with 4 week old Oliver- that was nerve wracking traveling with a baby but like always, Oliver handled it like a champ.
-I got sick of my green kitchen and painted it a light greyish color. I made a little nook that we had into an office for myself to work from home at and surprised Troy and painted it a light aqua-blueish color myself.
June 2017
-I officially decided to leave my nursing home job and work at The Nutritionist Reviews full-time!!!!!!!!! The second best part of my year. It was such a hard decision to make leaving a steady, dependable paycheck but it was the best decision for me and my family. Talk about a toxic work environment...wow. I am so happy working on this little blog full-time and taking care of the kiddos. My heart is full.
-School got out and we got to experience our first summer together with all of us home. Troy is a teacher and has the summers off and we had the best summer of our lives going on day trips nearly every day. Living the dream really! I worked at 6 AM each day, all through nap time, etc. to make it possible but it was so worth it.

-We went to all of the parks, splash pads, lakes and pretty much anything outdoor to explore all summer long. This is my happiness!
-We went to all of the parks, splash pads, lakes and pretty much anything outdoor to explore all summer long. This is my happiness!
-About once per month all summer long, we went to my parent's farm and swam in the pond, went on walks on their property, went on adventures to the lake, had bonfires, cooked amazing food and more. This photo is really special because the kids and my parent's are on the Oliver tractor that they finally got fixed that used to be my Dad's dad's tractor.
July 2017
-We went on our first trip with my in-law's- Troy's Dad and stepmom Wendy to the Grand Rapids area and had an awesome time.
-Troy has only talked about getting a Mustang since I got him and finally convinced me to get a used one after proving that 2 car seats can fit in the back haha. He is living his dream!
-We had Oliver baptized at the church by my parent's farm and had all of the family there. Such a special day getting to show all of Troy's family the farm. My brother and sister-in-law are Oliver's godparents.

-We went to at least one free outdoor concert a week all summer long. One of my favorite things to do! We went to so many different venues, brought delicious food and spent time with family. It was wonderful and I am counting out the days till June. Local people: Dodge Park, St. Clair Shores Veterans Memorial Park and Farmington Hills Heritage Park are favorite venues.
-We went to at least one free outdoor concert a week all summer long. One of my favorite things to do! We went to so many different venues, brought delicious food and spent time with family. It was wonderful and I am counting out the days till June. Local people: Dodge Park, St. Clair Shores Veterans Memorial Park and Farmington Hills Heritage Park are favorite venues.
August 2017
-We visited Traverse City again- this time with both kiddos!
-We went Up North with Troy's cousin Jennifer, her husband Jeremy and son Avery. We had so much fun spending time with family and exploring a new to us city- Oscoda, MI.
-Got an amazing surprise when we were at my brother's house and Adalyn comes downstairs wearing a shirt that says "Uncle Egwin and Auntie Viva are giving me a cousin" (the names she calls my brother and sister-in-law)!!! I am going to be a first time Aunt in April 2018 and am very excited. It's a girl!

-Had the best time at Adalyn's first real carnival and my first rodeo. I am literally obsessed with rodeos now and cannot wait to check out more this coming summer. Yee haw!
-Had the best time at Adalyn's first real carnival and my first rodeo. I am literally obsessed with rodeos now and cannot wait to check out more this coming summer. Yee haw!
-The day that Troy was supposed to go back to work for the school year, our basement badly flooded with 18 inches of water. There was about 18 inches of tears shed from me haha. He had to call in for his first day and we spent about 16 hours straight cleaning. It was horrible and we had a lot of loss.
September 2017
-Adalyn started preschool a few weeks shy of three years old. She loves it and goes twice a week for 3 hours each time.
-Went to a camp for the first time for Labor Day weekend with Troy's mom, stepdad and brother. It was so fun! We stayed in the camp cabins and got to do so many fun adventures.
-Went to a camp for the first time for Labor Day weekend with Troy's mom, stepdad and brother. It was so fun! We stayed in the camp cabins and got to do so many fun adventures.
-Adalyn had such a blast trick-or-treating and was Snow White for Halloween.
-Oliver gave us quite a scare when we found out that he had not gained weight in 2 months. The next two months became all about nursing him frequently and high-calorie, nutrient dense foods. He is doing so much better now. He eats like a horse!

-My mom had an Oktoberfest party at her house with all the German food and beer and German outfits.

-Went to Disney on Ice twice which was like a dream for Adalyn! She is obsessed with all things princess.

-Went to Cedar Point for Halloweekends. Adalyn had a blast going on all of the kiddie rides, trick-or-treating and more. We went with Troy's Dad and Wendy. Can't wait to do it again!

-Watched my sister's boyfriend run the Detroit Marathon and my brother run the half marathon! Then, we went to my car and found out that it had been broken into and my purse was stolen : (.
-My mom had an Oktoberfest party at her house with all the German food and beer and German outfits.
-Went to Disney on Ice twice which was like a dream for Adalyn! She is obsessed with all things princess.
-Went to Cedar Point for Halloweekends. Adalyn had a blast going on all of the kiddie rides, trick-or-treating and more. We went with Troy's Dad and Wendy. Can't wait to do it again!
-Watched my sister's boyfriend run the Detroit Marathon and my brother run the half marathon! Then, we went to my car and found out that it had been broken into and my purse was stolen : (.
November 2017
-I turned 28.
-Troy went hunting at the farm and got a deer.
-Celebrated one year since my Busia passed away. We still miss her every day and keep her memory alive through talking about memories of her.
-Celebrated one year since my Busia passed away. We still miss her every day and keep her memory alive through talking about memories of her.
December 2017
-I took pictures of the kids in front of the tree nearly every day (haha) and we have been living up the Christmas season by doing all of the holiday things! Breakfasts with Santa, driving to see the lights, watching Christmas movies, baking cookies with my mom and Troy's stepmom, reading Christmas books, lighting our Advent wreath, etc. etc.
It was quite a year!! I loved it so much and hope that 2018 is as great.
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