April 26, 2024

National Infant Immunization Week

National Infant Immunization Week- the importance of immunizations and the importance of preventing vaccine-preventable disease.

This week is National Infant Immunization Week and I'm teaming up with I Vaccinate to share the benefits of immunizations and how important it is to protect infants from vaccine-preventable diseases. I am super passionate about vaccines and making sure that my kids are up to date on their vaccines. Mostly for their own health but also, for all of the people we see that may not be able to get their shots yet like young babies. National Infant Immunization Week is April 22-29th this year.

My kids get their vaccines according to what our pediatrician recommends. They are 9, 7 and 4 now and while we are past the baby stage, they still get vaccines regularly as recommended. I remember the baby days when we seemed to be getting shots at every pediatrician visit which seemed tough at the time but is just a distant memory now! 

My kids were so excited about sharing the importance of vaccines that they made this cute "vaccinate" chalk drawing!

Protecting Babies from Preventable Diseases with Vaccinations

We have a number of babies in our lives. We have a first cousin who just turned one. Lily and I are in a moms group where there are tons of babies and Adalyn is a mother's helper to a 3 year old and a 5 month old baby. Babies are everywhere in our lives! While all of the babies we know get vaccinated according to their pediatrician's recommendations, not all babies are fully protected from these preventable diseases if they are too young to get the vaccines. Therefore, it is up to us to make sure we are safe for these little ones in our lives. 

Measles in Michigan

I was so disappointed reading the news recently to see that the first case of measles since 2019 was identified in Michigan. How awful when it is preventable through vaccines! To help make sure no one else gets measles in Michigan, it is so important that families stay on track with their kids" routine vaccines and checkups.

Measles is highly contagious and can cause serious complications requiring hospitalization. If one person has measles, 9 out of 10 people around them will also get measles if they are not protected. By getting the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, you will be 97% protected after 2 doses.

Vaccines are Not Controversial in the Medical Community

While vaccines seem to be controversial in the media and on social media, vaccines are not controversial in the medical community. Doctors agree that vaccines are safe and effective at preventing disease. Vaccinating your kids is considered safe and effective. Vaccines can help protect kids from 16 different diseases. The majority of parents do vaccinate their children but there is a lot of misinformation out there which can confuse parents.

If you have questions, ask your child's doctor or read information on I Vaccinate which provides information & tools based on real medical science and research to help Michigan parents protect their kids. I highly recommend making an appointment with your child's pediatrician if they are behind on their vaccines to catch up as that is the best way to help keep your kids healthy and safe from preventable diseases.

I’ve partnered with I Vaccinate to share my story and this content is sponsored by I Vaccinate.

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