September 02, 2013

Rainbow Light Vitamins Review and Giveaway

Rainbow Light Women's One™ Multivitamin
Rainbow Light is a brand of vitamins and supplements. For my review, I was sent a variety of their vitamins to try. Although my diet is quite healthy (whole grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.), I believe that taking a vitamin can be important when your diet is lacking. I especially like to take a vitamin in the winter when I know I am not getting sunlight and as much fruits and vegetables.

Rainbow Light offers all kinds of vitamin supplements. One in particular that interested me is the Women's One Multivitamin. I think that people (unless they have a deficiency in a certain vitamin) should mostly just take a multivitamin instead of pills for a bunch of specific vitamins. In fact, I prescribe multivitamins about 5 times per week to my patients at the nursing home. This Women's One Multivitamin is the number one selling women's natural multivitamin. It includes all of the vitamins and minerals that you need to help supplement your diet.

They have vitamins for each age and sex to help meet your needs for different times in your life. For example, they have vitamins for teens, men, children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Rainbow Light Certified Organics™ Women's Multivitamin
I am also interested in the Rainbow Light Certified Organic Women's Multivitamin. It is made with organic fruits and vegetables. It is a food-based formula that is often easier to digest for people. It is made with spirulina, acai berry, pomegranate, beet, kale, green tea and ginseng. It does not contain any of the high allergy foods including gluten, soy, eggs, nuts, fish or shellfish. I have been taking some of these vitamins and have not had any issues digesting them which is unusual for me.

Wow, do I have an amazing giveaway for you today! The giveaway is for a Rainbow Light prize package valued at over $150! 

Here is what is included:
·         Branded cooler
·         Branded towel
·         Branded shaker cup
·         Sample tablets of ThinBerry Satiety
·         Sample of Protein Energizer Creamy Vanilla
·         Sample of ThinBerry Opti-Curb
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Having had gastric bypass (weight loss) surgery several years ago, YES, I do take vitamins daily: multi, b-6, b-12, d, e, calcium, and iron.


  2. Yes, I take them daily (most of the time...some days I forget:)
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  3. I love Rainbow Light and take them dailyl

  4. GFC id: abfantom fantom

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  5. RAINBOW LIGHT-------the BEST

  6. Yes, I take vitamins everyday!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I try to take a multi-vitamin everyday, but I miss a lot of them :(

  9. I need to start taking vitamins..

  10. Yes, I do take a multivitamin daily

  11. Yes, a multivitamin!

  12. I have only been taking a B complex lately.


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