July 14, 2015
What's in My Gym Bag
This post is sponsored by LARABAR. All opinions are my own.
Okay so the title is a bit of a lie. I do not actually belong to a gym. I choose to workout at home or in my neighborhood. But when I go on a trip, I bring along all of my workout gear so that I can continue to stay active on my trip. It varies based on the weather what I pack, but here is an example of what I pack in my bag for a summer workout:
-Sports bra- This is probably the #1 most important item I need for working out. Have you ever tried to run without a sports bra? Not good! I choose one with padding that provides enough support and coverage. I'm not trying to look like I'm on Baywatch.
-Workout top- I like something that contains spandex. I prefer a racerback tank as my #1 choice if the weather is warm enough. If it is colder, a sports jacket is a must. I also like something that is spandex but breathable for this for the most comfort running.
-Workout bottoms- Depending on the temperature, I either wear shorts, leggings or capris for running. I always check the weather before a trip to make sure that I have the appropriate weather clothing packed.
-Good running shoes- I have feet that require certain types of shoes with support so I always make sure that I have a good pair.
-Quality socks- I hate socks that are cheap quality and fall down when I am running. It seems like little things that would not bother me at another time are super irritating during a run. A high quality pair of athletic socks are so worth it!
-Headphones- When I was running a lot, headphones were a must. Now, I usually run with the jogging stroller so my little girl is all the entertainment that I need.
-Phone with GPS and music- I keep a playlist on my phone for running that includes my very favorite songs to get me pumped up for the run. Also, I use a free app called Endomondo which tracks your runs including your mile times, how long you have gone, approximately how much water you need to drink to rehydrate, etc. I then get emails at the end of the month showing how much exercise I did. FYI this is not sponsored in any way by Endomondo, I have just been using it for years and love it.
-Water- Along with a sports bra, this is probably the next most important item to have in my gym bag. I love water and carry my big 32 oz water bottle everywhere with me. Especially after a run, I chug water like crazy.
-Chapstick- I always put on chapstick before a run because having chapped lips during a workout is no fun. I like Burt's Bees chapstick the best.
-Hair ties- I will not run with my hair down, so hair ties are a must. At one point, my husband would literally keep one in his wallet for me so I would always have one available haha.
-Wipes and deodorant- If you do not have the opportunity to take a full shower after your workout, it is great to have a wipe to clean yourself up a bit and deodorant to freshen up.
-Food to refuel- I love to eat and I especially love to snack. After a workout, my appetite is crazy. Some of my favorite choices include a protein smoothie, fruit, veggie eggs or a LARABAR.

LARABARS only use a few ingredients. For example, one of my favorite LARABARS is the Key Lime Pie which only contains dates, cashews, almonds, unsweetened coconut and key lime juice. That's it! No added sugars, no oils, no unknown ingredients. For after my workout, I like the ALT LARABARs which are made with added protein. The source of protein is from peas, which is still good for gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan diets. The reason that I choose these is for the simple ingredient list and after a workout, your body needs a mix of carbohydrates and protein and these meet those requirements.
At LARABAR®, we believe that the foundation of a sound mind, body and spirit is derived from what you eat - and what you eat is most delicious and satisfying when it's in a whole, natural state.
Okay so the title is a bit of a lie. I do not actually belong to a gym. I choose to workout at home or in my neighborhood. But when I go on a trip, I bring along all of my workout gear so that I can continue to stay active on my trip. It varies based on the weather what I pack, but here is an example of what I pack in my bag for a summer workout:
-Sports bra- This is probably the #1 most important item I need for working out. Have you ever tried to run without a sports bra? Not good! I choose one with padding that provides enough support and coverage. I'm not trying to look like I'm on Baywatch.
-Workout top- I like something that contains spandex. I prefer a racerback tank as my #1 choice if the weather is warm enough. If it is colder, a sports jacket is a must. I also like something that is spandex but breathable for this for the most comfort running.
-Workout bottoms- Depending on the temperature, I either wear shorts, leggings or capris for running. I always check the weather before a trip to make sure that I have the appropriate weather clothing packed.
-Good running shoes- I have feet that require certain types of shoes with support so I always make sure that I have a good pair.
-Quality socks- I hate socks that are cheap quality and fall down when I am running. It seems like little things that would not bother me at another time are super irritating during a run. A high quality pair of athletic socks are so worth it!
-Headphones- When I was running a lot, headphones were a must. Now, I usually run with the jogging stroller so my little girl is all the entertainment that I need.
-Phone with GPS and music- I keep a playlist on my phone for running that includes my very favorite songs to get me pumped up for the run. Also, I use a free app called Endomondo which tracks your runs including your mile times, how long you have gone, approximately how much water you need to drink to rehydrate, etc. I then get emails at the end of the month showing how much exercise I did. FYI this is not sponsored in any way by Endomondo, I have just been using it for years and love it.
-Water- Along with a sports bra, this is probably the next most important item to have in my gym bag. I love water and carry my big 32 oz water bottle everywhere with me. Especially after a run, I chug water like crazy.
-Chapstick- I always put on chapstick before a run because having chapped lips during a workout is no fun. I like Burt's Bees chapstick the best.
-Hair ties- I will not run with my hair down, so hair ties are a must. At one point, my husband would literally keep one in his wallet for me so I would always have one available haha.
-Wipes and deodorant- If you do not have the opportunity to take a full shower after your workout, it is great to have a wipe to clean yourself up a bit and deodorant to freshen up.
-Food to refuel- I love to eat and I especially love to snack. After a workout, my appetite is crazy. Some of my favorite choices include a protein smoothie, fruit, veggie eggs or a LARABAR.
LARABARS only use a few ingredients. For example, one of my favorite LARABARS is the Key Lime Pie which only contains dates, cashews, almonds, unsweetened coconut and key lime juice. That's it! No added sugars, no oils, no unknown ingredients. For after my workout, I like the ALT LARABARs which are made with added protein. The source of protein is from peas, which is still good for gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan diets. The reason that I choose these is for the simple ingredient list and after a workout, your body needs a mix of carbohydrates and protein and these meet those requirements.
At LARABAR®, we believe that the foundation of a sound mind, body and spirit is derived from what you eat - and what you eat is most delicious and satisfying when it's in a whole, natural state.
What do you keep in your gym bag?
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