July 13, 2015
Our Favorite Baby and Mama Products
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and healthy mama® , but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #gethealthymama http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV
There are so, so many baby products out there. I remember when I was pregnant being so overwhelmed at everything and wanting to know what I really needed and what I didn't. I wanted the best product that was necessary for an affordable price. These are the products that were amazing for us and that I would highly recommend. I created a list awhile ago like this and this is the updated list as more time has gone on and our baby has grown bigger. Also, I have included some of my favorite products for a new mom or a pregnant mama-to-be.
Favorite Mama Products:

Favorite baby products from 0-9 months:
-HALO Swaddles- We used these every night to keep baby's arms swaddled in since babies get startled by their own reflexes. It was my #1 baby product for a long time. We had 4 in the newborn size and 3 in size small. We finally stopped using these for good at about 7 months and used them at night until 6 months.
-Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit- Yes, this is really magic! Once we transitioned Adalyn from the swaddle to this, she started sleeping 10 hours straight! It was amazing. Unfortunately, it is too small and it is too hot to wear it. The weighted material is amazing for helping baby feel secure.
-Wubbanub Pacifiers- a pacifier/stuffed animal combo. Adalyn loves these and we do not leave the room without one, ever! They tuck into the swaddle nicely at night too. We have 4 of them. They are the only pacifier that she likes. She doesn't need it all the time but when she is tired or cranky, it can be a lifesaver.

-Fisher Price Automatic Rock ‘N Play Sleeper- A great product that rocks on its own without you having to rock it, baby can sleep here for a few months too if you don’t want to put them right in the crib. We didn't get this till Adalyn was 1 1/2 months old and she used it daily until about 5 months. For our next baby, this is what the baby will sleep in when they are first born before going to the crib.
-Baby carrier- I love the Boba carrier best followed by the Solly Baby wrap. The Solly Baby is best for newborns and the Boba can be worn everywhere- we still use it about 4 times a week or more at 9 months old.
-Angelcare Video Monitor- We use this at night and love it! We can take a peek at Adalyn and not disturb her by going in her room. If we walk up there, she will for sure be up but this allows us to check on her and make sure that she is okay.
-Graco FastAction Jogger Travel System- I love my stroller/car seat combo! The click connect feature is amazing because you can put the seat in your stroller or car with one simple click. Now, Adalyn is the big girl part of the stroller and does really well. I have taken her on some runs without any issues.
-Evenflo Exersaucer Door Jumper- The best $20 I spent! It is so simple to install and Adalyn loved it!
-Bumbo- My mom bought this for Adalyn on a local Mom's group swap site and it is awesome. It allows baby to sit up before they can on their own.
-Fisher Price Bouncer- Adalyn sat in this while we ate for almost every meal. She liked the music and vibrating feature on it.
-Activity play gym- Really nice to keep baby occupied starting at about 2 months. Adalyn used this daily until around 6 months or so.
-Push walker- I bought this off a local mom's group for $3 and it is the best. At about 8 1/2 months old, Adalyn started walking with this all around the house.
-High chair- We have an Evenflo high chair which we like but any will do.
-Fisher Price lunchbox- Hours of entertainment! Adalyn loves to take the pieces of food out of this and put them back in their slots. She loves the music as well.
-Fisher Price laugh and learn puppy- Fun musical toy.
-White noise- We use the Sleep Sheep white noise which helps calm baby for night.
-BabySitter high chair- This is amazing to take on a trip for an instant high chair. We bring this to my brother's so that Adalyn can sit on her own. It straps to any chair in a second.
There are so, so many baby products out there. I remember when I was pregnant being so overwhelmed at everything and wanting to know what I really needed and what I didn't. I wanted the best product that was necessary for an affordable price. These are the products that were amazing for us and that I would highly recommend. I created a list awhile ago like this and this is the updated list as more time has gone on and our baby has grown bigger. Also, I have included some of my favorite products for a new mom or a pregnant mama-to-be.
Favorite Mama Products:
-healthy mama® products- These products are for moms and moms-to-be and were quite helpful to me during pregnancy and postpartum. healthy mama® is a brand of products for pregnant and nursing moms. I used these when I was pregnant with Adalyn a couple of times when I had a really bad headache and especially after I gave birth to her. I used the Shake the Ache and Move it along which both were helpful.
The tame the flame antacids were great a couple of times during pregnancy when I had too much pizza and lemonade- 2 of my pregnancy cravings that were acidic and made me feel not so good.
They also have a beverage called the healthy mama® Boost It Up! Protein Energy Drink which is a beverage that comes in mango and pom cherry flavors that gives you energy without caffeine. This is great because many pregnant women want to limit or eliminate caffeine in their diets.

These products are found at Target in the prenatal/postnatal care section under the healthy mama® brand. *Please ask your doctor before taking any medications while pregnant or nursing.*
-Medela stretch mark cream and belly oils
-Lansinoh disposable nursing pads
The tame the flame antacids were great a couple of times during pregnancy when I had too much pizza and lemonade- 2 of my pregnancy cravings that were acidic and made me feel not so good.
They also have a beverage called the healthy mama® Boost It Up! Protein Energy Drink which is a beverage that comes in mango and pom cherry flavors that gives you energy without caffeine. This is great because many pregnant women want to limit or eliminate caffeine in their diets.
These products are found at Target in the prenatal/postnatal care section under the healthy mama® brand. *Please ask your doctor before taking any medications while pregnant or nursing.*
-Medela stretch mark cream and belly oils
-Lansinoh disposable nursing pads

Favorite baby products from 0-9 months:
-HALO Swaddles- We used these every night to keep baby's arms swaddled in since babies get startled by their own reflexes. It was my #1 baby product for a long time. We had 4 in the newborn size and 3 in size small. We finally stopped using these for good at about 7 months and used them at night until 6 months.
-Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit- Yes, this is really magic! Once we transitioned Adalyn from the swaddle to this, she started sleeping 10 hours straight! It was amazing. Unfortunately, it is too small and it is too hot to wear it. The weighted material is amazing for helping baby feel secure.
-Wubbanub Pacifiers- a pacifier/stuffed animal combo. Adalyn loves these and we do not leave the room without one, ever! They tuck into the swaddle nicely at night too. We have 4 of them. They are the only pacifier that she likes. She doesn't need it all the time but when she is tired or cranky, it can be a lifesaver.
-Fisher Price Automatic Rock ‘N Play Sleeper- A great product that rocks on its own without you having to rock it, baby can sleep here for a few months too if you don’t want to put them right in the crib. We didn't get this till Adalyn was 1 1/2 months old and she used it daily until about 5 months. For our next baby, this is what the baby will sleep in when they are first born before going to the crib.
-Angelcare Video Monitor- We use this at night and love it! We can take a peek at Adalyn and not disturb her by going in her room. If we walk up there, she will for sure be up but this allows us to check on her and make sure that she is okay.
-Graco FastAction Jogger Travel System- I love my stroller/car seat combo! The click connect feature is amazing because you can put the seat in your stroller or car with one simple click. Now, Adalyn is the big girl part of the stroller and does really well. I have taken her on some runs without any issues.
-Evenflo Exersaucer Door Jumper- The best $20 I spent! It is so simple to install and Adalyn loved it!
-Bumbo- My mom bought this for Adalyn on a local Mom's group swap site and it is awesome. It allows baby to sit up before they can on their own.
-Fisher Price Bouncer- Adalyn sat in this while we ate for almost every meal. She liked the music and vibrating feature on it.
-Radio Flyer Tricycle- Another mom's group find for $5. This tricycle is awesome and Adalyn knows to hold on and can even push herself around now.
-Push walker- I bought this off a local mom's group for $3 and it is the best. At about 8 1/2 months old, Adalyn started walking with this all around the house.
-High chair- We have an Evenflo high chair which we like but any will do.
-Fisher Price lunchbox- Hours of entertainment! Adalyn loves to take the pieces of food out of this and put them back in their slots. She loves the music as well.
-Fisher Price laugh and learn puppy- Fun musical toy.
-White noise- We use the Sleep Sheep white noise which helps calm baby for night.
-BabySitter high chair- This is amazing to take on a trip for an instant high chair. We bring this to my brother's so that Adalyn can sit on her own. It straps to any chair in a second.
-Lots of burp cloths- for spit up or any other messes
-Pack N Play- We bought a simple, inexpensive one from Evenflo and are very happy with it. We have taken it on trips to the farm, my brother's place and a hotel for a night. Skip the infant holder and changing table- they are unnecessary.
-Baby swing- I bought one for $10 off of a Mom's group. I don't think you need a super fancy one, especially since many babies don't like theirs.
-Pack N Play- We bought a simple, inexpensive one from Evenflo and are very happy with it. We have taken it on trips to the farm, my brother's place and a hotel for a night. Skip the infant holder and changing table- they are unnecessary.
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