March 02, 2018
Oliver Richard 11 Month Update
It's been a great month with our super happy guy (who was also mixed with some crabbiness thanks to teething). Here is what is new this month:
Clothing size: 6 months, 6-12 months, 9 months, 12 months- they all fit
Diapers: size 2
Weight: According to our home scale: ~18.6 lbs 1 week shy of 11 months

Oliver is still sleeping through the night and sleeps from ~7 PM-7 AM. He gets a pumped bottle around 9-10 PM. I just stopped pumping a month ago and we are still using frozen milk from months ago. Last month, nursing was going poorly and now, it is so much better. I thought we were almost done but now, I don't know. He completely stopped eating from one side right around 10 months old and now just nurses from one side. He nurses 4 times a day- right when he gets up in the morning, after morning and afternoon nap and right before bed.

He is napping twice a day- around 9 or 10 AM for a couple of hours and around 1 or 2 PM for a couple of hours. It is getting harder for him to sleep on the go such as when he is in the stroller. We recently went on a day trip to Frankenmuth for my mom's birthday and he pretty much stayed up all day despite our best attempts to get him to nap! Ahh.

He loves to eat and and eats a ton of solids. He eats everything we eat. Favorites are any carbs, strawberries, finely chopped grapes, yogurt and more. He started to be a little pickier with veggies but you know that this dietitian mama is not gonna let that fly so we are very much working on it. He is still pretty good with them though. He completely feeds himself. We started giving him a bit of water and he loves it.

-Had his 6th haircut this month. We used my brother's clippers and it turned out a little crazy on the sides but overall good. Oliver grows so much hair!

-His two front teeth popped through making a total of 4 teeth. They were rough coming in with extra fussiness.

-He pulls himself up and can now walk pretty well with a walker. He has not stood on his own without holding onto something yet.

-"Sister" is everything to him and they play all day long. You won't catch those two not laughing together throughout the day. They wrestle, tickle each other and just love the heck out of one another. I couldn't imagine them not having each other. Anything that Sister does, Oliver is right there to do it with her. She is nice to him 99% of the time but that 1% of the time, she needs a reminder to share.

-Is not a very messy eater like his sister was. I remember Adalyn being covered in food every single meal and a lot of times, we don't even use a bib for Oliver. He just picks up his food and eats it instead of making a huge mess. This may change though!
-He loves going places. This month, he went to gymnastics, the zoo twice, many restaurants, the Detroit Institute of Arts museum and more. He is awesome to take places.

-Loves when a dog comes and kisses him. It makes him laugh like crazy. Cracking up is his favorite.

-Loves to play with Adalyn's princess piano which is his height with a mirror and music. He plays all different music and looks at himself in the mirror (just like his father lol). His other favorite toy is any remote or my husband's Xbox controllers.
-Learned to clap his hands but now he won't do it haha.

-Went on a trip to Castaway Bay indoor water park this month and had so much fun splashing in the fountains and slept well at the hotel. He also loves playing in the bathtub.
-Loves crawling so much and NEVER stops moving the entire day.
-Shrieks and shrieks when he wants something. You can't bring fruit to the table without sharing most of it with him. Says Dada all the time!

-Dancing is still a favorite and he loves rocking back and forth when music is on.

Life is good!
Diapers: size 2
Weight: According to our home scale: ~18.6 lbs 1 week shy of 11 months
Oliver is still sleeping through the night and sleeps from ~7 PM-7 AM. He gets a pumped bottle around 9-10 PM. I just stopped pumping a month ago and we are still using frozen milk from months ago. Last month, nursing was going poorly and now, it is so much better. I thought we were almost done but now, I don't know. He completely stopped eating from one side right around 10 months old and now just nurses from one side. He nurses 4 times a day- right when he gets up in the morning, after morning and afternoon nap and right before bed.
He is napping twice a day- around 9 or 10 AM for a couple of hours and around 1 or 2 PM for a couple of hours. It is getting harder for him to sleep on the go such as when he is in the stroller. We recently went on a day trip to Frankenmuth for my mom's birthday and he pretty much stayed up all day despite our best attempts to get him to nap! Ahh.
He loves to eat and and eats a ton of solids. He eats everything we eat. Favorites are any carbs, strawberries, finely chopped grapes, yogurt and more. He started to be a little pickier with veggies but you know that this dietitian mama is not gonna let that fly so we are very much working on it. He is still pretty good with them though. He completely feeds himself. We started giving him a bit of water and he loves it.
-Had his 6th haircut this month. We used my brother's clippers and it turned out a little crazy on the sides but overall good. Oliver grows so much hair!
-His two front teeth popped through making a total of 4 teeth. They were rough coming in with extra fussiness.
-He pulls himself up and can now walk pretty well with a walker. He has not stood on his own without holding onto something yet.
-"Sister" is everything to him and they play all day long. You won't catch those two not laughing together throughout the day. They wrestle, tickle each other and just love the heck out of one another. I couldn't imagine them not having each other. Anything that Sister does, Oliver is right there to do it with her. She is nice to him 99% of the time but that 1% of the time, she needs a reminder to share.
-Is not a very messy eater like his sister was. I remember Adalyn being covered in food every single meal and a lot of times, we don't even use a bib for Oliver. He just picks up his food and eats it instead of making a huge mess. This may change though!
He loves his daddy so much and calms down when they are together! |
-He loves going places. This month, he went to gymnastics, the zoo twice, many restaurants, the Detroit Institute of Arts museum and more. He is awesome to take places.
-Loves when a dog comes and kisses him. It makes him laugh like crazy. Cracking up is his favorite.
-Loves to play with Adalyn's princess piano which is his height with a mirror and music. He plays all different music and looks at himself in the mirror (just like his father lol). His other favorite toy is any remote or my husband's Xbox controllers.
-Learned to clap his hands but now he won't do it haha.
-Went on a trip to Castaway Bay indoor water park this month and had so much fun splashing in the fountains and slept well at the hotel. He also loves playing in the bathtub.
-Loves crawling so much and NEVER stops moving the entire day.
-Shrieks and shrieks when he wants something. You can't bring fruit to the table without sharing most of it with him. Says Dada all the time!
-Dancing is still a favorite and he loves rocking back and forth when music is on.
Life is good!
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