August 19, 2014
Blooming Bath Review and Giveaway
Blooming Bath is an infant bath that fits right into your sink. The material is very soft and comfortable for your baby. For our baby, I have a hard bath tub but for when she is really little, I think that this Blooming Bath will be great. Since my favorite color is yellow, that is the color I chose to review. Also, yellow is gender neutral to use if we have another child one day.
Once you are done washing your baby in the Blooming Bath, you just squeeze out the extra water and throw it in the dryer for 10-15 minutes or just hang up to dry.

This can be purchased at buybuyBaby,, and other sites such as Amazon. I have read reviews about this product from other moms and they really seem to like it.
A benefit of Blooming Bath compared to other tubs is that you don't have to lean, bend, sit or squat to bathe your baby but can do it standing up right at your sink. Since it is not slippery, this is good for squirmy babies that like to move all around. It is available in yellow, hot pink, turquoise, green and ivory.
Once you are done washing your baby in the Blooming Bath, you just squeeze out the extra water and throw it in the dryer for 10-15 minutes or just hang up to dry.
This can be purchased at buybuyBaby,, and other sites such as Amazon. I have read reviews about this product from other moms and they really seem to like it.
a Rafflecopter giveaway