October 03, 2019
Know Your Breast Cancer Risk
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Henry Ford Cancer Institute. All opinions are 100% mine.

Breast cancer is a topic that hits close to home. I have a close family member who beat breast cancer and have worked with many patients with breast cancer. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetime? That is a crazy high statistic. Today I want to share Henry Ford's Breast Cancer Risk Assessment which can help you understand what your risk may be.
Breast health is so important for women. If you think that you may have an issue such as feeling a lump, I urge you to go to your doctor for them to check it out. About two years ago, I felt some lumps in one of my breasts. I scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist right away. They were pretty hopeful that it was okay but sent me in for a breast ultrasound. Everything turned out okay but it was a pretty scary time.
I actually went through this twice and was sent for another ultrasound. The doctor sent me because they could feel the lumps but again, was hopeful that it was not an issue. It turns out that I have "dense breast tissue". I was very lucky that everything turned out fine and am glad that I went to the doctor to get it checked out. I highly recommend if you have any concerns to go to your doctor for an exam.

I found the assessment really easy to take and it probably took me about 3 minutes. I was excited to learn that my risk of breast cancer was less due to breastfeeding! I am currently breastfeeding my third child so it is great to know that my breast cancer risk is reduced due to that. When I had my breast ultrasounds to check out some lumps, I learned that I have somewhat of an increased breast cancer risk due to having dense breast tissue, according to this assessment. And having dense breast tissue can make it harder to find cancer using a mammogram.

Due to my age being less than 35, the results were unknown but I will definitely be sharing this tool with my family members so that they can know their risk. It did say that none of my lifestyle factors are increasing my risk for breast cancer which is great. What I loved about using this tool is that it explains thoroughly why you are at risk or not at risk for breast cancer due to all different things like hormonal birth control, family history, breastfeeding, etc. Learn more about Understanding Your Breast Cancer Risk & What You Can Do About It.
The Henry Ford Cancer Institute has one of the country's best breast cancer programs and specially trained breast radiologist who look at all mammograms and imaging results. They have advanced technology to detect and diagnose breast cancer, including tools to make it easier to detect cancer in dense breasts.
It is also important to get regular mammograms. Ask your doctor what age you should start getting a mammogram as often, they recommend starting to get mammograms early if you have a higher risk of breast cancer. Henry Ford Cancer Institute offers mammogram locations through Southeast and South Central Michigan.
Learn more about When to Get a Mammogram and How to Prepare Mentally & Physically for a Mammogram and how to schedule a Henry Ford Mammography and Breast Screening.
Visit Henry Ford's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information.

Breast cancer is a topic that hits close to home. I have a close family member who beat breast cancer and have worked with many patients with breast cancer. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetime? That is a crazy high statistic. Today I want to share Henry Ford's Breast Cancer Risk Assessment which can help you understand what your risk may be.
Breast health is so important for women. If you think that you may have an issue such as feeling a lump, I urge you to go to your doctor for them to check it out. About two years ago, I felt some lumps in one of my breasts. I scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist right away. They were pretty hopeful that it was okay but sent me in for a breast ultrasound. Everything turned out okay but it was a pretty scary time.
I actually went through this twice and was sent for another ultrasound. The doctor sent me because they could feel the lumps but again, was hopeful that it was not an issue. It turns out that I have "dense breast tissue". I was very lucky that everything turned out fine and am glad that I went to the doctor to get it checked out. I highly recommend if you have any concerns to go to your doctor for an exam.

What can increase your risk of breast cancer
Your risk of getting breast cancer may be increased if a relative on your mom or dad's side of the family has a history of having breast or ovarian cancer. Even if your family did not have breast cancer, you may still be at risk as very sadly, anyone can get breast cancer.How to be proactive about your breast health
Henry Ford Cancer Institute has a free online Breast Cancer Risk Assessment that you can take to see what your risk may be. You just answer questions about your health, fitness and family health history. You can then instantly get a personalized report that you can share with your doctor about your risk.I found the assessment really easy to take and it probably took me about 3 minutes. I was excited to learn that my risk of breast cancer was less due to breastfeeding! I am currently breastfeeding my third child so it is great to know that my breast cancer risk is reduced due to that. When I had my breast ultrasounds to check out some lumps, I learned that I have somewhat of an increased breast cancer risk due to having dense breast tissue, according to this assessment. And having dense breast tissue can make it harder to find cancer using a mammogram.

Due to my age being less than 35, the results were unknown but I will definitely be sharing this tool with my family members so that they can know their risk. It did say that none of my lifestyle factors are increasing my risk for breast cancer which is great. What I loved about using this tool is that it explains thoroughly why you are at risk or not at risk for breast cancer due to all different things like hormonal birth control, family history, breastfeeding, etc. Learn more about Understanding Your Breast Cancer Risk & What You Can Do About It.
The Henry Ford Cancer Institute has one of the country's best breast cancer programs and specially trained breast radiologist who look at all mammograms and imaging results. They have advanced technology to detect and diagnose breast cancer, including tools to make it easier to detect cancer in dense breasts.
It is also important to get regular mammograms. Ask your doctor what age you should start getting a mammogram as often, they recommend starting to get mammograms early if you have a higher risk of breast cancer. Henry Ford Cancer Institute offers mammogram locations through Southeast and South Central Michigan.
Learn more about When to Get a Mammogram and How to Prepare Mentally & Physically for a Mammogram and how to schedule a Henry Ford Mammography and Breast Screening.
Visit Henry Ford's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information.
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I just took the assessment. I have two factors that slightly increase my risk, but overall, it has put my mind at ease a bit. I am printing out the results to keep in my "Health" file and will take them to discuss with my doctor at my appointment this week.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I've never seen an assessment test like this, and it was really helpful!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it and learned a little from it! I learned some new information too! Very helpful.